Real estate at its core is a supply and demand business. Sellers think that if they advertise their property it will be sold undervalued, therefore, they prefer to wait for someone to like it in order to sell it for a better price. The only thing they do is tell a real estate agent, and their doorkeeper (if selling a unit in a building). If this was true, why do Range Rover, Cadillac, Rolex, Channel, and all the expensive brands spend millions of dollars on their products and still sell them at the same price?
Know that: "Advertising your property can never undervalue it, diversified excess of demand does".
A proper marketing plan brings you more potential buyers, and increases your chance for offers. The more a property is touted, the faster it sells. In addition, the quicker the sale, the higher the selling price. In most cases, you must get a high average of site visits in order to make the sale, which also depends on the type and budget of the property you are selling. Here are some advertising examples you can do in an efficient way to attract potential prospects : classified ads in newspapers, sign yards, direct mailing, advertising through internet, mouth to mouth, etc.
By Anis Kfoury
Real Estate Consultant
Sworn Appraiser